
Waffle Hearts
Hi, I am Anne Beaubien and Waffle Hearts is my personal food blog. Your first question is probably something like, “What are waffle hearts?”…Well the answer is they are the pieces of a Norwegian waffle. Norwegian waffles are made of 5 hearts linked together by the bottom tip. Now you are no doubt asking yourself, “Why waffle hearts?”…The answer to that is easy. I am an American in love with a Norwegian. My husband (and taste tester) is from Norway. He is a real meat and potatoes kind of guy (or maybe I should say pølse med lompe kind of guy) so he is a pretty tough critic of my healthy recipes. They have to be tasty enough to get past him before I will put them on the website so hopefully they will pass your taste test as well :)
About the blog
Waffle Hearts focuses on low calorie, low fat meals that have an abundance of whole grains and vegetables. I use a variety of veggies in my cooking and I encourage the use of organic, seasonal and locally-grown produce as much as possible.
All of the recipes on Waffle Hearts are tested multiple times by me and often by friends and family. I do all of the photography as well so bear with me as my skills hopefully improve and as I try to find my “style”.
The “How To” section is full of posts that are more like a formula than a recipe. There you will find information on basic cooking techniques like “How to make mashed potatoes”, and “How to cook lentils”. I recognize that there are a lot of people that are new to cooking and need a little more instruction than others. Personally, I was making mashed potatoes from a box until I was 23 years old, but I am proud to say that once I learned how to make mashed potatoes from actual potatoes I have never gone back to the box.
Waffle Hearts specializes in special diets. Please have a look at the special diet definitions to answer any questions you may have about what they mean.
About me
I am a healthy eating enthusiast and a self-taught home cook. I like to experiment with food. Sometimes those experiments work out and make it on the website…and sometimes they don’t. I spend all of my time thinking about food, grocery shopping, cooking, photographing my creations, and of course - eating. I think it is safe to say that I am addicted to food.
My background and education is in Archaeology. I have a B.A. in Anthropology and a M.A. in Maritime Archaeology. I spent 6 years excavating throughout Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland. Now I live in Silicon Valley with my Norwegian husband, two kids and I cook full time.
Recipe inspiration
I do not post other peoples recipes. All of the recipes on this website are either completely original or are inspired by something I have seen elsewhere and adapted. If the recipe is inspired by or adapted from another recipe I will mention that in the description and if possible I will link to the original or let you know where to find it.
I find inspiration everywhere. Some of my recipes are inspired by recent meals at restaurants, recipes I have seen in magazines or books, and even sometimes by dishes I have seen on television. (Once I even tried to recreate a dish from a cartoon!) What I do is attempt to make these recipes healthier by removing high-calorie ingredients and replacing them with lower-calorie alternatives, usually this means I add extra veggies and reduce meat and dairy portions.
Happy Cooking!